6th Grade First Communion Class
Wed., February 26th, 2025•7:00pm–8:00pm
Please attend the class and service that best fits with your schedule – regardless of which campus you attend worship.…
JHA Feed My Starving Children
Sat., March 1st, 2025•11:00am–3:30pm
Get together with your Junior High church friends for a day of service and give back with our Feed My…
Living the Message – Eight Essential Bible Stories
Tue., March 4th, 2025•6:30pm–7:30pm
Essential Eight Bible Stories Taught by Pastor Lose If you had a friend or family member who wanted to know…
6th Grade First Communion Service – West Campus
Sun., March 9th, 2025•1:00pm–2:00pm
6th graders and their families are invited to celebrate First Communion at Mount Olivet on Sunday, March 9 from 1-2pm…
16th Motorheads @ Le Chateau
Tue., March 18th, 2025•5:30pm–8:00pm
Join fellow Motorheads for this fun gathering at the Herreid home (Le Chateau). Enjoy delicious food, cool cars, interesting displays, devotions,…
Easter For All Volunteer Day
Fri., April 11th, 2025•4:00pm–6:00pm
During this Lenten season we are inviting everyone to participate in Easter for All (formerly Angel Gifts)! This event is…
Easter For All Volunteer Day
Sat., April 12th, 2025•10:00am–12:00pm
During this Lenten season we are inviting everyone to participate in Easter for All (formerly Angel Gifts)! This event is…
New Member Orientation
Sun., May 4th, 2025•12:00pm–1:30pm
This is an informative orientation for people who are joining or thinking about joining Mount Olivet on Sunday, May 18,…
JHA Lock Out
Fri., May 9th – Sat., May 10th, 2025•8:30pm–6:30am
This is what you have been waiting all year for, our all-nighter event - the JHA LOCKOUT! We will have…
Vacation Bible School (Pre-K through 2nd Grade)
Mon., July 7th, 2025•8:30am–11:30am
Get ready to explore God’s creation! Kids will be challenged to look closer at the intricate details of God’s creation…