
Volunteer Near: Community Outreach!

Match your passion and experience with the needs of God’s children all around us!

Your time, talents, and gifts can be such a blessing to others!

Mount Olivet has a longstanding tradition of significant community outreach through a variety of programs, partnerships, and services. Each of them enables us to be the Body of Christ in our community by serving our neighbors. As we do, we grow in our own faith and discover where God is calling us to follow. From volunteering at food shelters to gathering and distributing household necessities for those in need, Mount Olivet extends God’s love in tangible and meaningful ways.

Our Coordinator of Service and Outreach, Laurie Hancer, can get you started! You can reach Laurie at 612.767.2267 or email.

Community Emergency Services

Located in downtown Minneapolis, CES brings help to our inner-city neighbors in need. You can volunteer your time by helping with restocking the food shelves, packing home delivery bags, deliver healthy food through Meals on Wheels, or sharing your musical talents to children who visit CES with their parents.

Dignity Center

The Dignity Center, located in downtown Minneapolis, works with people to achieve and maintain stability. As a volunteer you can assist in many ways – hospitality, office support, one-on-one support, and assemble kits. Retired professionals are welcome to share their expertise in helping our neighbors move toward self-sufficiency.

Hunger Task Force & Food Drive

Educating our congregation on local and world hunger, Mount Olivet provides food for people in need through our Food Drives sorting and packing for CES, VEAP and Bountiful Baskets.

Love Inc.

Mount Olivet is a partner in Love INC (ln the Name of Christ) with 23 other churches in eastern Carver County. This vital and vibrant ministry at our West Campus provides support to families experiencing difficulty due to job loss, low income or other unexpected situations. Volunteers participate by answering phone calls, delivering furniture and donating baby items, personal care products and school supplies.

Meals Via Wheels Driver

Mount Olivet has a team of drivers who deliver a hot noon meal to elderly or disabled homebound residents of southwest Minneapolis. A one hour commitment with heartwarming results.

Pastor Scott’s On-Call Ministry Team

Pastor Scott has been providing outreach to the needy in the inner-city and throughout the metropolitan area for decades. You can assist him by donating items and /or sorting the donated items for distribution. Pastor is always in need of volunteers to help him load his truck and accompany him on his deliveries.

Simpson Housing Services

Simpson United Methodist Church provides housing, shelter and advocacy for people experiencing homelessness. Join the Mount Olivet Volunteers who serve dinner prepared by our own chef to the guests at Simpson Housing.


Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People provides basic needs and services to low-income families and individuals. It serves residents of Bloomington, Edina, Richfield and South Mpls. Volunteers serve in the food pantry, drive VEAP vehicle to provide rides to limited income older adults and disabled individuals to or from medical appointments or administrative work.

Bountiful Baskets

A network for healthy foods and fun. Enriching lives one healthy meal at a time with simple everyday recipes, connecting with the Bountiful Baskets Community, and inspiring each other with how you use your Bountiful Basket. Bountiful Baskets benefits from our monthly food drives at the West campus, and families in Carver County benefit from our yearly Christmas for All and Angel Gifts drives.

What's Next?

Connect with our Coordinator of Service and Outreach, Laurie Hancer, to find out about all the volunteer possibilities at Mount Olivet. You can reach Laurie at 612.767.2276 or by email.