Order Your Easter Flowers
Wed., March 19th, 2025•8:00am
Please consider honoring or remembering a loved one by purchasing a spring plant to beautify our sanctuaries for Easter morning. …
Order Your Easter Butter Braids
Wed., March 19th, 2025•8:00am
Don't miss out on your Easter Butter Braids! Order online in time for Easter! Orders will be taken at…
Lenten Midweek Service
Wed., March 19th, 2025•12:00pm
This year we are reflecting on Jesus’ words to his disciples as he initiated and instituted what we call the…
Chancel Choir (6th-8th Grade) Rehearsal
Wed., March 19th, 2025•5:45pm–6:30pm
Chancel Choir provides a unique opportunity for middle school-age youth to explore their faith, build relationships with their peers and…
Wednesday Night Confirmation Class (7th & 8th Grade)
Wed., March 19th, 2025•7:00pm–8:00pm
Confirmation at Mount Olivet is a two plus year program beginning the fall of 7th grade and ending with the confirmation…
6th Grade Starter Class
Wed., March 19th, 2025•7:00pm–8:00pm
6th Grade Starter is a program designed specifically for 6th graders. Through a mixture of small and large group sessions,…
Cathedral Choir (9th-12th Grade) Rehearsal
Wed., March 19th, 2025•7:00pm–8:30pm
High school-age singers from many different schools and musical backgrounds join together each week to sing and serve in this…