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The End of the Story: The Resurrection Stories in the Four Gospels

Thu., May 2nd, 202410:30am–11:30am

This class is taught by Pastor Cieslik and Pastor Lose.

Beginnings and endings matter! That is, you can tell a lot about the character, importance, and direction of a story based on how an author begins it and then draws it to a close. The same is true of our four Gospels that tell the story of Jesus. And, while these four stories share a number of similar elements, they also differ in many important and revealing ways. Join Pastors Lose and Cieslik for this four-part class that will help you dive deeper into each Gospel by exploring how each shares the good news of Christ’s resurrection!

When: Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 at 10:30am

Where: West Campus

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