Sunday School
Sunday School invites children to experience the story of God’s love through relationships, learning, and service.
Faith Formation Begins!
In Sunday School, children will learn God’s story and grow in faith together. Mount Olivet offers a music and arts-based Sunday morning experience that involves Bible study taught by our pastors, singing as a choir, participating in worship services, playing percussion instruments, art, creative drama, movement as well as small group discussions and games. All activities that help us discover new church friendships, create community, and develop our faith! When children enroll in a Sunday School class they are also enrolling in one of Mount Olivet’s children’s choirs. Sunday School is available at both the Minneapolis and West Campus during the 9am and 10am services. Sunday School begins Rally Sunday (first Sunday following Labor Day) through mid-May.
Children in Mount Olivet’s Sunday School program will engage the same stories as the congregation during Sunday worship. Join us as we enter the story of our common faith together as an entire community! Children must be three-years-old to participate. We invite all of our children into this rich and rewarding experience!