Everything in Love!
Make your 2025 pledge via the PLEDGE button and/or make a one-time gift or set up scheduled giving with the GIVE button. Thank you!
Current Scheduled Givers: please LOGIN to your Realm account to view your current scheduled giving, adjusting as needed for 2025—including giving frequency, giving amount, credit card info, and end dates. Thank you!
Stewardship Videos
“Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. And let all that you do be done in love.” –1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Dear Mount Olivet Family,
At a time when division and competition seem too often to rule the day, Mount Olivet is committed to offering an alternative: love. God’s love embodied in the cross and resurrection of Jesus, made concrete in acts of service and outreach, and shared through worship and fellowship. As you contemplate your gift to support our congregation, please pause and think about these questions and then make your 2025 pledge or giving plan today. Thank you!
- What are the ways Mount Olivet makes a difference through worship, pastoral visitation, youth activities, outreach, adult education, and more? Who are the people impacted?
- How have you been personally impacted by our ministries: what has helped you feel and share God’s love?
- What would it be like to not have Mount Olivet: how would that impact you, your family, the larger community?
I believe strongly that the love of God we share has never been more needed and for this reason is worth our support. I hope you do, too! Please make your 2025 pledge or giving plan today! Thank you for your support of, prayers for, and participation in Mount Olivet!
– Pastor Lose, Senior Pastor