Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Love is the center of our lives, yet if we are honest it can be difficult to love others in the midst of polarizing discourse; it can be challenging to find time to connect with God meaningfully; and it’s easy to forget ourselves in the midst of our busyness and care for others. Together we will explore how to weave together these three strands of love without neglecting one for the other. We will have opportunities to be renewed by spending time walking in the woods, relaxing in the whirlpool, scheduling a massage (extra cost), journaling and reading. Led by the women pastors of Mount Olivet Church and the Conference & Retreat Center Director, Theresa Latini. Register for single occupancy, double occupancy, dorm occupancy, or as a commuter.
Single occupancy: $395
Double occupancy: $275
Dorm occupancy: $220
Commuter rate: $155
Registration opens December 2 at 8am.