Easter Chancel Flowers

Thank you for purchasing a plant for our Easter Chancel Garden. Your purchase helps beautify the sanctuaries on Easter Sunday, as well as honor or memorialize your loved ones. Personal dedications for these gifts will be listed in the Easter Sunday bulletin on Sunday, March 31.

At the end of the form you will be redirected to a link to purchase your plant(s). Each plant is $25. This is a purchase, not a donation, and is not tax deductible.

Easter plants can be picked up at both campuses on Sunday, March 31 after the 11am service until 12:30pm or on Tuesday, April 2 from 10am-12noon.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Jody Barbee at 952.767.1501 or at jbarbee@mtolivet.org.

Easter Chancel Flower Orders will be accepted February 1 through March 30. Please come back to purchase your flower(s) to memorialize, celebrate, or honor a special person during that timeframe.