Children & Family Ministry
A place where our children experience God’s love and begin to grow in their faith.
Faith, Friends and Fun
God meets us in many different ways—through Scripture, prayer, art, music, movement, food, and drama. Through all the programs we offer our children, we strive to create an environment that builds friendships, invites all to encounter God’s story in everyday life, and supports your family through the joy and sorrow and messiness of life in community. We want you and your children to know that God loves you and that you belong here. We hope you’ll make a friend (or twelve!) as you grow in faith personally, as a family, and as a community.
Sunday School
Sunday School invites children to experience the story of God’s love through relationships, learning, and service.
Learn moreBaptisms
Through the gift of Baptism, God names and claims us as beloved children and washes us in God’s grace and forgiveness.
Learn moreWhat's Next?
We would love to hear from you and would be happy to answer any of your questions about our children and family ministry. Please contact Katy Michaletz at 612.767.2245 or by email.
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