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  • Children & Family (Birth-Grade 5)

Musikgarten Class (Birth-3.5years of age)

Tue., December 10th, 20249:45am–10:15am

Musikgarten classes are a fun-filled early childhood music experience for ages birth-3.5 years. Develop a strong musical bond with your child while singing, dancing, listening, rocking, and playing simple instruments. Purchase of an instrument pack (rhythm sticks, scarf, and shaker) is optional, but recommended if your child is under 18 months.

We can’t wait to make music with you!

If registering one or more siblings in the same family, please use discount code SIBLINGFALL24 at check-out.
This is a 12 week of class with no class offered the week of Thanksgiving.

When: Tuesday, December 10th, 2024 at 9:45am

Where: Minneapolis Campus

Cost: $150

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