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Living the Message – Eight Essential Bible Stories

Tue., March 4th, 20256:30pm – 7:30pm

Essential Eight Bible Stories Taught by Pastor Lose
If you had a friend or family member who wanted to know what this “Christianity-thing” was all about and asked you for some good Bible stories to them get started, what stories would you share? This year in Living the Message, we’re trying to answer that question by looking at – actually, reconsidering – eight important stories that reveal who God is for us. Each of them is reasonably familiar. And each of them, in my opinion, is often either underestimated or misinterpreted. Finally, each of them, when read differently, gives us access to a God bigger, bolder, and way more interesting than the one we’d perhaps imagined and, in this way, can revitalize our faith. The lineup of this year’s “essential eight” includes the following:

  • October 1: Exodus 3: God is revealed by what God does. 
  • November 12*: Exodus 20: God’s chief desire is that we love each other. 
  • December 3: Mark 7: God became one of us. Really!  
  • January 7: Genesis 3: God will not give up on us.  
  • February 4: Luke 15: God doesn’t wait for us to be ready.  
  • March 4: Jonah 4: God’s love is bigger than we think.  
  • April 1: 1 Kings 19: God shows up in the most unlikely of places.
  • May 6: Luke 24: God is available to us here and now.  

Also available via pre-recorded videos emailed the first Tuesday of the month

All are welcome at any time! 

Questions? Contact Katie Stevenson, Coordinator of Adult Education by email or at 612.767.2232.


When: Tuesday, March 4th, 2025 at 6:30pm

Where: West Campus

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